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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-295

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Page content

evening classes 293 Algebra Four elementary Rule Greatest Common Measure Least Common Multiple Fractions Euclid to 32 books recommended Todhunter's Differential Calculus Todhunter's Analytical Geometry Todhunter's Plane Trigonometry Beasley's Plane Trigonometry Todhunter's Algebra Todhunter's Euclid 16 COMMERCE COMMERCIAL AND INTER- NATIONAL LAW Days and Hour of Attendance-Monday and Tliursday from to Introductory Lecture On the Economic Value of Museums and Exhibitions Monday Evenings commercial and international law Nature Spirit and History of Mercantile Law II Rights and Restraints of Trade III The Patent Law IV The Law of Copyright and Trade Marks History of Maritime International Law VI Rights and Duties of States in lime of Peace VII The Law on Minors and Married Women VITI The Law on Partnerships IX The Law on Joint-Stock Companies The Law on Principal and Agent
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