Calendar: 1874-1875 Page 290
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Page content
ass EVENING CLASSES XXV- XX VI James 11 Revolution of 16S8- William of Orange his Character and Policy-Previous History of William and his Country-His Wars-1'arlia mentarv Government-National Debt -Standing Army XXVIII -XXX -Reign of Anne-Wars of Marlborough -Whigs and Tories- Peace of Utrecht -Jacobites-Hanoverian Succession XXXI- XXXIV George Land II Scotch Rebellions Walpole-Home and Foreign Policy Will iam Pitt Earl of Chatham-- Frederick the Great King of Prussia and his Wars-Dettingcn and Fontenoi -Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle-Conquest of Canada-Clive in India XXXV -XXXVIII -George III -Bute Ministry-Wilkes -Grenville Ministry-American Colo- nies estranged Their History- American War-Misgovernment Letters of Junius-Gordon Riots- New race of Statesmen the younger Pitt Fox Burke &c-Peace of 1783 -Condition of England-Army and Navy-Colonies Commerce-Taxa- tion-Literature-Civil and Religious Liberty ITALIAN -Two Classes tfl and Hoursof Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from 610 or from to or both hours on both nights by additional payment Lower Division Elementary Grammar Exercises to Reading and translation of Goldoni's "Commedie and Pellico's "Le mie Prigioni
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