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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-265

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 263 The Second or Pass Examination will be conducted on successive days as follows On the First day Evening from Seven to Ten by written questions on Surgical Anatomy and on the Principles and Practice or Surgery On the Second day Morning-The Candidate's practical knowledge will be tested either at the College or in the Surgical Wards of Hospital Afternoon from One to Four on Materia Medica and en Chemistry in its applications to Pathology Pharmacy and Toxicology This Examination will be conducted partly by written questions and partly in practical manner Evening commencing at Seven o'clock by written questions on Midwifery and the Diseases peculiar to Women On the Third day Evening from Seven to Ten by written questions on Medical Anatomy and on the Principles and Practice of Medi- cine including the Principles of Public Health On the Fourth day Morning-The Candidate's practical knowledge will be tested either at the College or in the Medical Wards of Hospital Evening commencing at Seven o'clock viva voce on the Prin- citles and practice of medicine surgery and Midwifery Candidates will not be admitted to the First Examination until after the termination of the second Winter Session of professional study at recognised Medical School nor to the Second or Pass Examination until after the termi- nation of four years of professional study After October 1870 the College will not admit to the Pass Examination any Candidate not exempted from Registration whose name had not been entered in the Medical Students' Register at least four years previously Any Candidate who shall be rejected at the First Examination will not be re-admitted to Examination until after the lapse of three months and will be required to produce Certificate of the performance of Dissections or other professional study satisfactory to the Examiners during that time Any Candidate who shall be rejected at the Second or Pass Examination will not be re-admitted to Examination until after the lapse of six months and will be required to produce Certificate of attendance on the practice of recognised Hospital and also of attendance on Clinical Lectures or other professional study satisfactory to the Examiners during that time Every Candidate intending to present himself for Examination is required to give fourteen days' notice in writing to the Registrar of the College at the same time transmitting the following Certificates -For the First Examina- tion -Evidence of having passed an Arts Examination of having been duly registered as Medical Student and of having completed the second Winter Session of professional study at recognised Medical School For the Second or
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