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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-244

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212 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT him the name of another properly qualified attendant who undertakes all responsibility during his absence 12 The ltesident-Accoucheur has authority to suspend from duty any attendant infringing these rules but he must report such suspension to the Physician-Accoucheur withiu twenty-four hours IS No Student will receive certificate for practical in- struction in Midwifery unless he has attended at least ten cases in connection with King's College Hospital 14 Regular attendants will receive special certificate XIX MEDICAL SOCIETY President for 1874-75 Professor Curnow Honorary Presidents Baxter Prof ISeale Prof Bell Royes Bentley Prof Bloxam Prof Cartwright Prof Duffin Α Β Fergusson Sir Bt Ferrier Prof Garrod Prof Guy Prof Hayes Johnson Prof Playfair Prof Priestlev Rutherford I'rof Sheppard Prof Μ Smith Watson Sir Hart Wells Prof Μ Wood Prof Yeo Burney Vice-Presidents Birch Briggs Eardley-Wilmot Roche Ε Philpot Moore Hon Secretaries Low Tirard Ν Hon Treasurer Footner Honorary Curators Batterbury Roberts COUNCIL Batterbury Bravn Cooke Ε Footner Low Moore Philpot Roberts Tirard Ν
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