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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-219

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 217 admission to the Medical Department with the Dean before the first day of examination The subjects for Examination in October 1874 will be as follows Divinity Old Testament -The Pentateuch and the Books of Joshua and Judges New Testament -The Gospel according to St John and the Acts of the Apostles The Prayer Book-Its general history and structure "Proctor on the Book of Common Prayer re- commended English and History -Shakespeare Henry IV Part From the Restoration to the death of Anne Latin -Virgil Georgics Book IV and 3neid Book VI Mathematics -Arithmetic the ordinary rules with vulgar and decimal fractions Algebra as far as and in- eluding Quadratic Equations Euclid Book Book II except Props 10 Book III Greek -Xenophon's Anabasis Book French -De la Grandeur et de la Decadence des Ro- mains par Montesquieu German Goethe's Egmont Clarendon Press Series Chemistry -Miller's Inorganic Chemistry in Long- man's Series of Text Books on Science Natural Philosophy -Deschanel's Natural Philosophy translated by Prof Everett Part and Part IV 10 Botany -Bentley's Manual of Botany second edition to page 210 together with chapter on the General Principles of Classification and Diagnosis of the following natural orders -Ranunculaceae Rosaceae Composite Labiatse Scro- phulariacese and Liliacese The subjects for Examination in 1875 will be Divinity Old Testament The First and Second Books of Samuel and the Book of Psalms
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