Calendar: 1874-1875 Page 201
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 199 They alone can compete for and hold the offices of- Physician's Assistant Physician Accoucheur's Assistant House Surgeon Assistant House Physician Assistant House Surgeon Assistant House Accoucheur Clinical Clerks Dressers II Occasional Students or those who enter to one or more particular Classes Every Class is open to such Students on payment of the prescribed amount of fees They have the privilege of contending for Class Prizes and Certificates The regular Course of Instruction in this Department occu- pies either three or four years according to particular circum- stances See Section VIII The year is divided into two Sessions The WinterSession beginning October 1st terminates at the end of March The Summer Session beginning May 1st terminates at the end of July No one can be admitted into this Department under the age of sixteen except by the special permission of the Principal There is short vacation at Christmas extending from the day before Christmas Day to tbe day after New Year's Day inclusive The Students of each Class are examined at regular intervals throughout the Session there are also Scholarship and Prize Examinations at the close of each Session public distri- bution of Prizes takes place in the course of each Summer Session Every Student must at the beginning of each Session make application to the Dean for written order for admission to Hospital Practice and to such Lectures as he proposes to attend This order will be exchanged in the Secretary's office for cards which cards must afterwards be countersigned first by the Dean and secondly by the respective Professors
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