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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-187

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 185 Analyses of Blood Liver Muscle Bone Milk Digestive Fluids &c as are possible in Class The Course extends over Winter and Summer Session Physiological Chemistry is taught on one day during each week of the Winter Session Histology is taught on three days during each week of the Summer Session Every Student must provide himself with knives forceps scissors needles brushes slides and covers glasses and he may provide himself with microscope which must however be approved by the Professor of Physiology The charge for the use of Microscope is in each case £1 Is but this fee will be returned to every Student who shall bring to tbe office certificate of having furnished him- self with Microscope approved by the Professor Fees to Occasional Students For one entire course £5 For second course £3 For Section only Ditto For Section only Ditto 11 exclusive of the charge for the use of Microscope Chemistry An extensive Philosophical Apparatus Mineralogical and Metallurgical Collections valuable Chemical Museum and complete Laboratory are attached to the Chemical Department The Course is divided into two Parts Part comprises preparatory view of the Forces which concur in the production of Chemical Phenomena with de- scription of the non-metallic Elementary Bodies and their Inorganic Compounds This division of the Course which occupies from the begin- ning of October to the end of December may be attended separately
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