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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-166

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164 APPLIED SCIENCES VI SCHOLARSHIPS PRIZES CERTIFICATES The ittglts Stfialarsflips see page 115 and the Danirll icrf 01arsf ip see page 220 are open to all Matriculated Students not being Associates of this Department The oil fHcDal for Hatljimatire the £t pf en 1tfr the Iumptre φτίμβ and the Daeent rife are open to Students of this Department see pages 117 119 jfxta lt 3Pu es Two Prizes of the value of £5 each are given annually by Freake Esq and will be open to competition for all Matriculated Students of this Department in their Second and Third Years in the Easter Term One will be given for Practical work in the Physical Laboratory combined with an examination in Writing in Experimental Physics The other for Practical work connected with the classes in Manufacturing Art Arts of Construction Surveying and the Workshop Notice will be given of the special subjects for next yeai in the course of the Michaelmas Term -These prizes will not be given after July 1876 3JeIf Jile&al This Medal is awarded Annually to the Student of the Second or Third Year who shall most distinguish himself at the Midsummer Examination in the subjects of Divinity Mathematics Mechanics and Chemistry 3James CSaston $ri An Annual Prize consisting of Free Admission as Pupil or Apprentice to the Engineering Works of the Donor is given by Messrs Eastons and Anderson and is open to all
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