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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-157

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applied sciences 155 The Third Year's Students continue the Second Year's subjects and in addition they are encouraged to make ex- periments on the strength of Arches Beams and Girders designed and executed by themselves These Arches Beams and Girders are constructed from Working Drawings made by the Students themselves At the termination of the year Prize is given in each year for proficiency in the execution of some piece of Me- chanism the subject of which is given out during the Lent or Easter Term In order to obtain Prize in either the Second or the Third Year the Student is required to send in with his Model or Machine finished foundry pattern with Core-boxes &c of at least one of the castings used in such Machinery or Model which pattern he shall himself have made accom- panied by Working Drawings of such Machinery also made by himself Every Student is expected to furnish himself with set of the simplest tools requisite for working in wood and metals In order to diminish the expense of these tools as much as possible the Student may purchase them at the College and upon his leaving they will be repurchased from him at reduction depending on the condition in which they are returned No Student is allowed to obtain tools or materials in the Workshop to greater amount than Ā£4 in any one term without the consent in writing of his parent or guardian Matriculated Students attend at the hours named at pages 162-3 but Occasional Students can work throughout the day The Workshop is also open in the evening on payment of special fees See page 327 Regulations No Student is allowed to wear the College Gown in the Workshops or Coat with long skirts or loose sleeves or to work in shirt-sleeves without their being turned up so as to be
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