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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1874-1875-108

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106 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE This examination will consist of two papers in Greek and Latin Translation and Composition two in Mathematics Arithmetic Algebra and Plane Trigonometry Euclid Geometrical Conies and the easier parts of Analytical Geo- metry one on the outlines of English History to the end of the 18th century and one on Shakespeare's King John The Examination will take place on September 30th and the two following days The regular work of the Term will begin on Thursday October Thursday January 14 and Thursday April 15 on which days all old Students are required to be present at 10 unless special leave of absence is obtained beforehand from the Principal The Students received into this Department are- Matriculated Students or those admitted to the regular and full prescribed course of study Each Candidate for Matriculation must produce testi- monial of good character from his last instructor and when admitted by the Principal must subscribe his name to declaration that he will conform to all the rules and regula- tions which may from time to time be prescribed for the good government of the College under the sanction and authority of the Council Special Certificate is required in the case of Pupils coming up from the School See School Clause xviii Except by the special permission of the Principal no one is admitted Student of this Department under sixteen years of age The regular Course of Instruction in this Department carries the Student through three Academical Years Each Year con- sists of Three Terms viz Michaelmas Term from the beginning of October to the week before Christmas Lent Term from the middle of January to the week before Easter Easter Term from Easter to the middle of July Pupils who have passed two years in King's College School or in one of the Schools in Union have attained the age of Sixteen and have spent at least one Term in the highest class of such School before leaving it and
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