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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-470

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DONORS OF THE FIRST CLASS 469 £ Hawkins Rett Dean's Yard Westminster Hawkins Walter Esq ό Leonard-place Kensington 100 Headland Esq 37 Margaret-st Cavendish-8q 100 Heale Rev Wombourne Wolverhampton 100 Heathcote Sir Bart Hursley Lodge Hants 100 Henley The Lord 230 Hoare Messrs Fleet-street 300 Hoare Sir Hugh Richard Bart in right of 300 presented by Sir Henry Hugh Hoare Bart deceased Hoare Esq Fleet-street 100 Hodgson Frederick Esq Carlton-gardens U0 Holford Robert Esq Bolton-strert 100 Holland Henry Esq 46 Montague square 100 HopeJ is Esq Deepdene near Dorking 100 Hopt Rev Kemerton Court Gloucestershire 125 Hornby Joseph Esq Liverpool 100 Hotham the Lord 45 Grosvenor-street 100 Howe The Earl South Audley-street 325 Howleg Most Reverend Dr Lord Archbishop of Canterbury 1250 Hubbard Jn Esq 24 Princes-gate 100 Hughes Rer Dr St Paul's 200 Uumfreg Rev John Wroxham Norfolk 120 Huntinyford Right Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Hereford 100 Huth Fred Esq 33 Upper Harley-street 100 inglis Right Hon Sir Bart Bedford-square 151 10 Ireland Very Rev Dr Dean of Westminster 1100 Irvhig John Esq Richmond-terrace 100 Jelf Rev Christ Church Oxford in right of 120 presented by the Ven Archdeacon Cambridge deceased Jenkinson Rt Rev Dr Lord Bishop of St David's 200 Jenkyns John Esq 14 Red Lion-square 100 Jenkyns Rev Henry The College Durham 100 Jenner Geo Esq Beckenham Kent 100 Jervoise Rev Sir Clarke Bart 15 Hanover-square 100 Jervoise Purefoy Esq Herriard House Hants 100 Jesse John Esq Llanbedr Halt Ruthin 200 Jones Ven Archdeacon Brynsteddford Conway Π0 Kaye Rt Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Lincoln Buckden 200 Keate Rev John the Cloisters Windsor 100 Keene Benj Esq 100 Kirkpatrick Rev James 28 Brock-street Bath 100 ϋ Kirkpatrick John Esq Is The Albany 100 Labouchere John Esq Upper Harley-street 120 Lady Friend to the Institution 100 Langham Sir Jas Bt Langham-place 200 Langston Haughton Esq 100 Langton Mrs Ann 100
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