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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-456

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J53 NAMES OF PKOPKIETOES Extract from the Charter "And that every person who has already subscribed or shall hereafter during the term of one thousand years to be computed from the date of this our Charter subscribe for one or more share or shares of one hundred pounds each for the purpose of the said College and whose name shall be entered in the register-book hereinafter mentioned as Proprietor of such share or shares shall after such entry be styled י Proprietor And that every person also whose name shall hereafter during the said term of one thousand years be entered in the register-book as Proprietor of any of the same shares shall after such entry be styled Proprietor Each Proprietor has the privilege of nominating two Pupils to the School or one to the School and one to the College at the same time Those whose Names are printed in Italics are deceased and the Shares remain in abeyance until transferred by the Executors shares Amos Mrs Plymouth Andrews Joshua £sq Arbuthnot George Esq 25 Upper Wimpole-street Arden RichardEdward Esq East Burnham House Slough Armstrong Richard Esq Kentish Town Atcheson Rev Henry University Club Atkins Alderman John 66 Wimpole-street Atkins John Pelly Esq Walbrook after Peter Esq India House Baber John Esq Knightsbridge Baker Samuel Esq Dan eland Rochester Baker Thos Esq 105 Pall Mall B'iker George Esq 13 Prince's-gate Kensington Hall Charles Sutton Esq Cavendish Club Barnard Benjamin Esq Cornhill Barnard Herbert Esq 50 Cornhill Barnwell Charles Frederick Esq 44 Woburn-place
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