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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-421

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420 debating and literary society VII In the event of any Student losing his key he will be required to pay 2s 6d for new lock broken key will be replaced at cost price if brought to the Secretary's office VIII In order more effectually to protect the property of Students no other boxes or drawers except those provided by the CoUege are permitted to be used DEBATING AND LITERARY SOCIETY Patron-The Rev the Principal Vice-Patron-Rev Prof Brewer The Members of this Society meet every Wednesday at wh Literary Political and Historical subjects are discussed and occasionally selections from English authors are read by Members before the Society public Evening Debate is also held annually The Society is open to the Students of all Departments while Gentlemen who have left the College or have become Associates after having been Members of the Society for two or more terms are eligible for election as Honorary Mem- bers The affairs of the Society are conducted by Committee chosen at General Meeting of the Members at the end of each Term The expenses of the Society are defrayed by Subscription of 2s 6d per Term from eacii Member Students who are desirous of joining the Society are re- quested to leave an application with the Hall Porter addressed to the Secretary of the Debating Society
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