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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-418

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RESIDENCE OF STUDENTS 417 RESIDENCE OF STUDENTS AND PUPILS IN PRIVATE FAMILIES The following Gentlemen iy permission of the Council receive Students not of the Medical Department into their Bouses as Boarders Rev Cock 18 Rodney-street Pentonville Lecturer in Mathematics Rev Heywood 22 Bedford-place Russell-square Lecturer in Classical Literature Rev Drew Croshams Sutton Professor of Mathematics Pierce Esq Terrace Villa Roehampton Glenny Esq The Old Rectory Clapliam Professor of Geometrical Drawing Castle jun Esq 16 Oakley-square Rev Jona Dundee House Isleworth Lecturer in Divinity The following Gentlemen by permission of the Council receive Medical Students into their Houses as Boarders Hayes Dr 60 Wimpole-street Pritchard Dr 41 Guildford-street Russell Square
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