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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-417

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416 residence of students Section II rules for the guidance of resident students The College Gates are closed at 10 No Student may leave the College after that hour or return home later than 11 without leave from the Censor or Medical Tutor Student who is absent from the College for whole night without permission is liable to be immediately dismissed II Visitors are not admitted into the College after Ten o'clock and are expected to leave not later than Eleven Students are responsible for the good conduct of their Visitors III Students are expected to dine in the College Hall every day unless excused by the Censor or Medical Tutor IV Students are expected to attend the College Chapel Services on Sundays and week-days unless exempted by the Principal No Student can reside in College during the Summer Vacation without first obtaining the permission of the Prin- cipal and in all cases in which Student about to leave the College receives such permission he must vacate his rooms not later than September 15 VI Regularity of hours observance of rules and general good order are essential for permission to reside in College VII Students are responsible for all damage done to their Rooms and will be charged with the cost of repairs VIII Wine and beer may be obtained from the College Manciple and from him only except by special leave from the Censor IX Students are requested to address any complaints without delay to the Censor who will if needliil report them to the Principal The servants of the College have no claim for pay- ment of any kind on the Students residing within the ο liege
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