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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-408

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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THE SCHOOL 407 Few Harry Garrard Flindell Charles Firrain Gordon Philip Fisher Herbert Fisher Frederick Charles Fooks Courteney Cracroft Ford Butler Webb Ford Henry William Ford John Holden Fort James Fowler Joseph Fox William Fraser Oswald John French Charles French William Galpin William Dixon Galwey Charles Edmund Gater Edward Gavin Frederick James Gavin George Fitz-Austin Geary Leslie Gell Henry Willingham Gibson Edward James Gilbert Harry Pearson Glasgow David Glover John Howard Gonner Eric Peter Goodban Frederic William Goodday John William Goold Northland James Gorringe Herbert Gover Arthur Sutton Graham Walter Douglas Graham William Graham William Grattan O'Donnel Colley Grant Charles Grant William Henry Gray Charles James Gray William Du Gard Greatrex Ferdinand William Gregory Walter John Groves Charles Benjamin Green Edwin Green Laurence Green Roland Griffin Henry Gruggen Arthur Lloyd Guiness Arthur Percy Guthrie Leonard George Guthrie Thomas Anstey Hack Alfred Haddon Arthur Wyndham Haig William Spencer Hall Alp Arslan Hall John Hall Herbert Thomas Hall Watson Hall Walter Parkinson Halland John Thomas Hammond Francis Hammond Leslie Hammond Samuel Charles Hampshire James Handyside Arthur Harden Allan Brewster Harding William Walter Hardy Charles Harris Charles Berkley Harris William Sydney Harris William Walker Harrod Henry Dawes Hartopp Edward Hey Harvey Frederick Harvey William Morton Harward Lionel
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