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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-405

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404 THE SCHOOL XXVIII Names of Pupils of King's College School during the last Academical Tear Abbott Ernest Henry Abbott John George Nelson Abbott Percy Herbert Ackery John Adams Walter Reid Addington Samuel Adkins Charles Henry Adolphus Theodore Alderson William Robert Aldous Ralph Alford Robert Greenwood Allport Edward John Anderson John Henry Annoot Frederick William Annyl Owen Evan Ansdell Harold Ardaseer Gustasp Arnati Harry Arnott Marmaduke Henry Ashby Richard Desmond Ashton Frederick Job Attenborough Stanley Jas Auhert William Auhusson Ernest Walter Aveling Henry Frederick Axford Alfred Frank Bailey Walter gain Frederick William riaker John Edmund Baker William Wing Carew Ballard George Robert Barrett Ward Barren Henry England Bancks Charles Garard Bassindale James William Batchelor William Kendall Batters Edward Arthur Batters Frank Harry Batters William Francis Baumann Benjamin Martin Baxter Charles Frederick Bayer George Harold Baynes Ernest Spencer Beattie Henry Beckwith Thomas William Beck Frederick Arthur Beeson Arthur Belcher John Hope Belchier Arthur Michael Bell Walter Mellor Bell William Alexander Benjamin Nathaniel Bennett Arthur Wentworth Bennett Edward Charles Bennett James Pearson Benson William Joseph Benson William Robert Bentley Frederick William Bentley Robert Ernest Bewick Thomas Burrell
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