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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-390

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the school 38 for penmanship Four Prizes are awarded each Term one in each of the Divisions of the School No boy can obtain Science Drawing or Penman- ship Prize twice in the same Academical Year general rules It is distinctly to be understood that mis- conduct during any part of an academical year will subject boy to the forfeiture of his prize Certificates of having obtained Prize in King's College School made out under the signature of the Head-Master and Secretary may be obtained by application at the College Office Fee 2s 6d for each Certificate XXIII choral exhibitioners Sixteen boys are from time to time elected by the Council to be Choral Exhibitioners of this College The duties of Choral Exhibitioners are to sing during Term in the College Chapel on Sunday morning and on such other occasions as shall be appointed by the Principal in addition to giving such attendance for practice as the Director of the Choir shall appoint In consideration of these services they receive free of expense all necessary instruction in Vocal Music and pay only half the fees required from other boys viz £4 per Term including stationery and the use of books The Entrance Fees £2 13i 6d also £1 Is for Surplice also have to be paid
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