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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-385

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384 THE SCHOOL VII GERMAN An Exhibition of £5 in Λ books open to both Given by the Head Master Divisions Prize open to both Given he Divisions Subjects for 1874 Grammar Passages from German authors for translation into English Passages of English for translation into German Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm edited by Dr Buch- heim Clarendon Frees Series VIII SCIENCE Natural Philosophy- One to both Divisions Given by the Council Chemistry- One to both Division Given by the Council Subjects for 1874 Natural Philosophy- Ganot's Physics Heat Elementary Opti Parkinson's Elementary Mechanics Besant's Hydrostatics Ϊ Chemistry- Miller's Class Book of Chemistry Williamson's Chemistry for Students Practical Work in the Laboratory 1cs
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