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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-378

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THE SCHOOL 377 Inglis Jfoun&atum Two Scholarships of £50 each are open annually to Pupils of the School see page 111 School Inglis Scholarship of £20 open only to Pupils in the School is also awarded every year This Scholarship will be open to all Boys who having been four complete Terms in the School were not eighteen years of age on the 1st of June preceding the Election It will be tenable either with Forest" or Mathe- matical" Scholarship and on the same terms as the Forest Scholarship The Examination will take place at the end of the Easter Term and will be awarded to the boy who obtains the largest number of marks in the Early and Later English Examinations II jpowst JfounUatton Founded in 1861 by Robert Forest Esq late of Montague Place Clapham Road who by his Will bequeathed after the decease of his Wife the sum of £3 000 Consols duty paid to the Governors and Proprietors of King's College London "as fund for the specific purpose of providing Scholarships "for meritorious pupils educated at the School known as King's College School in connexion with the said College REGULATIONS One Scholarship will be given each year of £30 tenable for three years for proficiency in Divinity Classics and English Literature
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