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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-377

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376 THE SCHOOL That he has been diligent in his studies and made fair progress That he is really deserving of admission and may be expected to profit by the College curriculum II All Pupils who have been Two Years in the School have attained the age of sixteen and have passed at least one Term in the highest Class of the Classical or Modern Divisions are allowed by making application to the Secre- tary on entering the Department of General Literature and Science or that of Applied Sciences in the College to take rank as Students of the Fourth Term This privilege enables such Student to gain the Associate- ship of the College in Two instead of in Three Years XIX SCHOLARSHIPS general rules Good conduct and regular attendance at Chapel are indis- pensable for the admission of any Pupil to be candidate for Scholarship in King's College School II Every Scholarship is held subject to these conditions and is liable to forfeiture for misconduct III In case there should be no candidate of sufficient merit in any year the Scholarship of that year will not be awarded IV Any Scholar desirous of obtaining Certificate of having gained Scholarship may obtain the same from the Secretary on payment of the fee prescribed by the Council The payments for all Scholarships are made quarterly and the amount due may be applied for in the Secretary's office any day succeeding the second Friday in the months of January April July and October
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