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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-371

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370 the school XII hours of attendance The duties of each day commence at 30 with Divine Service in the College Chapel from which none of the Pupils are allowed to absent themselves without the special permission of the Head Master The Hours of Attendance are- Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday from 30 to Wednesday ditto Saturday ditto 12 No boy is allowed to leave the School precincts during these hours without the express permission op the Head Master and the Council strongly object to any appli- cation being made for this permission unless under circumstances of unusual importance or of necessity XIII dining hall and luncheon sufficient time at one o'clock is allowed for luncheon which is provided in the College at regulated expense Those parents who may wish their sons to dine during this time may avail themselves of an arrangement made for this express object in the Dining Hall of the College One of the Masters is always present The expense of dinner without beer is- Ā£ For single Dinner 14 For Dinner on Mon Tues Wed Thurs 15 per Ttrin Five Days in the Week Six 17 The Council earnestly beg that the practice of giving boys money to pay for single dinner may be as much as possible avoided and that tickets may instead thereof be taken at in the office at the beginning of each term
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