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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-369

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368 THE SCHOOL intended for Mercantile life and who are of too advanced an age to be placed in one of the ordinary Classes It is directed by Masters specially acquainted with the requirements of those attending it and boys can be efficiently prepared for any Office or Clerkship to which they may obtain nomination Special Subjects Instruction is also given after school hours to boys either in the above Classes or in the School generally who may require additional assistance in any part of their work The terms are- For any one Language per Term For Mathematics For AVriting Precis and Book-keeping Land Surveying and Levelling 33 For any Special xamination in which several subjects are required 66 Holiday Classes Classes are also formed during the Christmas Vacation for instruction in any branch of study wherein Pupil feels himself deficient or which he may wish to acquire more fully Extra Instruction Instruction may be obtained in the following subjects on payment of the specified Fees German for pupils in Division and below the Third Class in the Lower School Ā£1 per Term Drawing for pupils in Division including materials 11 Workshop 11 Gymnasium Fencing 11 Boxing 11 -All fees tor any special instruction given in the School must be paid through the College office
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