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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-299

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298 EVENING CLASSES Pressure of Fluids on Lock-gates and Embankments Centrifugal Pump Various estimates of Animal Power Steam Power Mechanical effects of Fuel-The Steam Engine The principles discussed in the Lectures will be illustrated by experiments and numerous examples BOOKS RECOMMENDED Twisden's Practical Mechanics Todhunter's Mechanics Besant's Elementary Hydrostatics 21 PHYSIOLOGY Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to This Course besides imparting general knowledge of the principles and chief facts of the Science is especially adapted to meet the requirements of candidates for the degrees of and Sc in the University of London These Lectures will be accompanied and illustrated by microscopical demonstrations by preparations dissections diagrams &c General view of the Structure and Functions of living beings II Forms of Animal Life III Chemical and Structural Composition of the Body IV Motion and Locomotion General Physiology of the Nervous System
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