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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-291

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Page content

EVENING CLASSES COMMERCE Eight Lectures on the Manufacturing Industry of Britain On the Accumulation and Investment of Capital On the Causes which Regulate the Rate of Interest On the Raw Materials of Industry Cotton Wool Silk and Flax On the Progress of Mechanical Inventions On Factory Labour On Wages and Strikes On the Railway System and the Rates of Transport of goods On Technical Education Eight Lectures on Commerce and Banking Principles of Commerce-Errors of the Mercantile System- the Balance of Trade-Free Trade On the Foreign Exchanges-the Law of Exchange On the Bank of England its Constitution and Management The Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Bank Charter Act of 1866 On Commercial Crises On the Silk Manufacture at the International Exhibition 1873 On the Commerce and Industry of the United States On the Commerce of Russia and India in Asia COMMERCIAL AND INTERNATIONAL LAW Eighteen Lectures on Commercial Law History of Mercantile Law-Ancient Laws and Ordinances- Modern Codification The Leading Characteristics of the Commercial Laws of the United Kingdom
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