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EVENING CLASSES 15 MATHEMATICS -Four Divisions Days and Hours of Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from 610 or from to or both hours on both evenings by additional pay Div to Differential Calculus Conic Sec- י י tions Div II to Trigonometry Algebra rEuclid 33 to end of Book II ι Algebra Greatest Common Mea- η ill sure- Least Common Multiple Fractions Extraction of Square Root Theory of Indices Surds Simple Quadratic Equations Algebra Four elementary Rules Greatest Common Measure Least Common Multiple Fractions Euclid to 32 books recommended Todhunter's Differential Calculus Todhunter's Analytical Geometry Todhunter's Plane Trigonometry Beasley's Plane Trigonometry Todhunter's Algebra Todhunter's Euclid 16 COMMERCE COMMERCIAL AND INTER- NATIONAL LAW Days and Hour of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from to The opening Lecture will be given on Monday Oct at On the Influence of the High Price of Coal on the Productive Industry of the United Kingdom Admission free
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