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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-288

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evening classes 287 12 GEOGRAPHY Buy and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to Between October and Christmas Course of Ten Lectures on the British Islands Physical Descriptive and Historical The British Islands-Physical Aspects-Climate -Natural Resources-Coal-fields-other Mineral Regions II Centres of Population in England and Wales Manufacturing Districts of the North- Black Country'-Mining Districts of the South and West-Agricultural Areas-the Great Seaports III The connection of Geographical Localities with periods of History-the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms- the Welsh Kingdoms-Scotland-Ireland-notable Battle-fields &c After Christmas Course of Eight Lectures on the United States and the Dominion of Canada United States-the Atlantic States-their Aspects andKesources-the Mississippi Valley-theNorthern and Southern Divisions-the former Slave States -Influence of Climate upon Social Institutions- the Mineral Region of the 'Far West'-the Rocky Mountains the Sacramento Valley the Inter- oceanic Railway-Present Distribution of Popula- tion within the Union-the United States as Field for Emigration II The New Dominion-Canada-the Valley of the St Lawrence the Great Lakes the Cities of Canada-the Saskatchewan Valley-the Pacific Sea- board-British Columbia-Industrial Resources of the various Provinces their respective value as fields of Emigration book recommended Manual of Geography By Hughes Longman Co
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