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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-286

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Page content

EVENING CLASSES 285 XIII -XV -Tudor Period Statesmanship Legislation-The National Church- Commercial Policy Poor Laws Literature NEW COURSE Lectures XVI -XVIII James VI of Scotland ascends the English Throne-Previous History of James and of Scotland XIX XX -Reign of James and Contemporary History XXI XXIV -Charles and the Commonwealth XXV -XXVIII -Restoration and reign of Charles II- Disasters and Discontent Political Parties-Louis XIV his Wars and Policy XXIX XXX -James II- Revolution of 1688- W1I- liam of Orange-Previous History of William and his Country XXXI -XXXIII -Reign of William its influence on Government in England Parlia- mentary Monarchy-Triennial Act- War in Ireland-Waronthe Continent XXXIV -XXXVI -Reign of Anne-Wars of Marlborough Whigs and Tories-Peace of Utrecht -Jacobites-Hannoverian Succession ITALIAN' -Two Classes Days and Hoursof Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from to or from 10 or both hours on both nights by additional payment Lower Division Elementary Grammar Exercises to Reading and translation of Goldoni's Commedie and Pellico's Le mie Prigioni
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