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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-281

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280 EVENING CLASSES readings will serve to illustrate practically the progress of German Literature The Course will also include the Theory and Practice of original German Composition and will likewise he adapted to meet as far as possible the requirements of Candidates for the Indian Civil Service Examination and for the for Honours and the Doctor of Literature Examinations The Course will consist of about twenty Lectures the Literary Lectures generally following the Historical ones in illustration of the times to which they refer Before Christmas Lecture general sketch of the Political History of Germany during the Middle Ages Intro- ductory Lecture to the whole Course II The literary activity and social aspect of Germany during the same period III The Reformation Martin Luther his life and his writings IV Influence of the Reformation on the language and literature of Germany VI The Thirty Years' War The Battle at the White Mountain Prinz Christian von Braunschweig and Graf Mansfeld-the Four Hundred of Pforzheim-Albrecht von Wal- lenstein Denmark's Participation and Eetreat-the Edict of Restitution-Gusta- vus Adolphus in Germany Tilly and Magdeburg-Co-operation of the French with the Swedes-the Peace of Westphalia 1618-1648
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