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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1873-1874-278

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Page content

EVENING CLASSES 277 SYLLABUS OF LECTURES DIVINITY Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday evening from to Before Christmas The History of the Church of England from the time of the Reformation After Christmas The Prayer Book its origin history and substance LATIN -Three Classes Days and Hour of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from to First Division -Cicero de Senectute andOratio III in Cat Latin Verse Writer after Christmas Latin Composition optional Second Division -Grammar King's College Henry's First Latin Book Lesson 20 Cornelius Nepos Exercises Bradley's Third Division -Grammar King's College Henry's First Latin Book books recommended Andrews' or White and Riddle's Dictionary Smith's Principia Part for Composition GREEK -Three Classes Days and Hour of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from ίο First Division -Homer Iliad Book XXIV Greek Prose Writer alter Christmas Greek Composition optional
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