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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1872-1873-55

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54 ANNUAL REPORT Mather Ε ן Kouman Η Β Woodard Cantlon Μ Η Tucker Τ Barbow Α Τ Milner Jackson Η James Certificate of Approval at the Legal Examination Christmas 1871 Certificates of Approval at Preliminary Law Examination Feb 1872 Draeqer First Class Prize and Certificate for Arithmetic and English Language at the City of London College In December last the School sustained serious loss by the death of Mr Cunningham who had been in charge of the Upper and Lower Fifth Classes in the Classical Division and had discharged the duties of this post with an ability energy and zeal which call for public acknowledgment In consequence of this loss the following appointments have been made The Lower and Upper Fifth Forms have been placed under the charge of the Vice-Master the Rev Twentyman The Matriculation Class with Special Class in Mathe- matics in the Modern Department has been placed under the Rev Adolphus promoted from the Remove The Rev Jackson has been promoted to the Remove in the Classical Department and Mr Brooksmith the Rev Belcher and Mr Reynell have respectively been advanced to higher class The Rev Proctor has been placed in charge of the Lower First Class and Mr Hall has been promoted to the post of Second Arithmetical Master vacated by Mr Proctor In consequence of the resignation of Dr Schottky as Senior German Master Mr Reinicke has been elected to fill his place and the assiduity and devotion with which he has applied himself to his work fully justifies the confidence placed in him
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