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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1872-1873-52

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ANNUAL REPORT 51 Ophthalmic Ward and special Ward for Diseases of the Chest thus increasing at once the usefulness of the Hospital and the advantages which it offers for the Education of the Students Έ -The Evening Classes have continued their important work of aiding the further education of those who are engaged during the day in the duties of various trades and professions The number of students during the last session has been 484 The Council have great pleasure in calling attention to the recognition of the value of the work of this Department by the gift of two Prizes of 10Z each one for excellence in Commerce and Political Economy by Messrs James Duncan Co and another for knowledge of Law and especially Commercial Law by Messrs Matheson Co Feeling that this recognition by the great employers of labour is the one thing needful to encourage such work as is done in the Evening Classes the Council desire to express their warmest thanks to those gentlemen for their liberality and interest in the studies of the College Munificent Endowment consisting of 250 London and North Western Railway Four per Cent Debenture Stock has been received during the past year from the Trustees of the Will of the late Mr James William Gilbart so long known as the distinguished Manager of the London and Westminster Bank Its object is to secure an annual course cf about six Lectures on Banking which shall be given in the Evening and be open to all who take an interest in this important subject The first course just given by Professor Leone Levi was attended by fully 300 Students about 50 of whom afterwards voluntarily attended an examination on the subjects of the course The Council also received gifts of money from Mr Gilbart's Trustees and from the Managers of the London Joint Stock Bank to be distributed in the shape of books as Prizes to the most deserving of the Students attending these lectures פ
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