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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1872-1873-51

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50 ANNUAL REPORT Dr Guy has most ably and conscientiously discharged the duties of Professor of Forensic Medieine since the year 1838 and the Council cannot but congratulate the College in still retaining the services of so experienced teacher as Professor of Hygiene Dr Priestley after period of nine years' service has been compelled from the pressure of private practice to resign his appointment of Professor of Obstetric Medicine and Physician for Diseases of Women and Children and Physician Accoucheur in King's College Hospital to the great regret both of his colleagues and of the Students who highly appreciated his instructions The Chair of Forensic Medicine has been filled by the appointment of Dr Ferrier Demonstrator of Practical Physiology in the College and the Council have appointed Dr Playfair Assis- tive Physician for Diseases of Women and Children to succeed Dr Priestley in the offices he held at the College and Hospital The effective manner in which these gentlemen have hitherto discharged their duties is the best evidence of their fitness for the higher appointments to which they have now been promoted The Council have to express their gratitude to Dr Priestley for his present of valuable collection of instruments illus- trating the development and improvement of appliances used in the Obstetric Art Dr Yeo having resigned the office of Medical Tutor has been succeeded by Dr Baxter The Council have had much pleasure in appointing during the past year Dr Budd Dr Farre Dr Guy and Dr Priestley to be Consulting Physicians to King's College Hospital and Dr Anstie Dr Kelly Dr Yeo and Mr Pridgin Teale all formerly distinguished Medical Students of the College to be Honorary Fellows The Council have great satisfaction in announcing that the new wing of King's College Hospital has been completed during the past year The additional space thus obtained has enabled the authorities of the Hospital not only to give proper accommodation to the Staff but also to open special
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