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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1872-1873-49

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4S annual report Fellow of King's College Cambridge 6th in the First Class of the Classical Tripos in the year 1863 to the Classical Lectureship and Mr Gardiner to the Lectureship in English History The principal honours gained at Cambridge in the past year by Students of this Department are the following At Cambridge Pbovis Cla College lith Wrangler Milton Cuius College Open Math Scholarship Arnold Kind's College Exhibition Bishop Emanuel Exhibition in Mathematics At Oxford Todd Pembroke Exhibition in Mathematics The Council have to report that their attention has been called by the Principal and Professors of the Oriental Section to the unsatisfactory character of the arrangements at present sanctioned For the further education of Candidates se- lected for the Indian Civil Service and that they have addressed Memorial to the Secretary of State for India urging for the sake of the intellectual and moral welfare of such students that they should be directed to join Institutions sanctioned by the Indian Department which would aim at something more than the modicum of preparation absolutely necessary for the further Examinations" imposed upon the Candidates -The Department of Applied Sciences numbers this year 55 Students and its work has continued with undi- minished efficiency In connexion with this Department the Council have during the past year accepted the very handsome offer of an Annual Prize given by Messrs Eastons and Anderson open to Matriculated Students who have completed their full three- years' course-such Prize consisting of Free Admission as Pupil or Apprentice to the Engineering Works of the Donors The Court will join in expressing their high sense of the liberality which has placed such gift at the disposal of the Council
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