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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1872-1873-48

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annual report 47 -The work of the Theological Department calls for no special notice during the past year The number of its Certificated Associates now amounts to 529 of whom 202 were placed in the First Class at the final Examination The Council are glad to hear from the Principal that he is fully satisfied with the general work and character of the Students that every care is taken to maintain and as fur as possible to raise tbe standard of the Associateship and that the Students have distinguished themselves at the various ex- aminations for Ordination His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury has been good enough to testify his interest and confidence in this Depart- ment by offering to the Council the use of the Lollards' Tower at Lambeth as Hall for resident Theological Students in which they might have the advantage of collegiate life and of some organized pastoral work The Council have felt themselves compelled very reluctantly to decline His Grace's offer because of the large outlay which would have been necessary and the impossibility of securing permanence of tenure but they desire to record publicly their gratitude to the Archbishop for his great kindness and their conviction that some arrangement for residence of Students would he likely to conduce greatly to the efficiency of the department -The Department of General Literature and Science numbers 68 Students of whom 48 belong to the Classical and 20 to the Modfern Department The Council have no announcement to make as to the work of this Department except that it appears to proceed with energy and success and that the general work regularity and discipline of the Students are entirely satisfactory They have received with regret the resignation of Mr Mozley MA who has held for three years Lectureships in Classics and English History and to horn they have to express their cordial thanks for the ability and success of his labours for the College Out of many excellent Candidates who presented themselves they have elected Mr Έ Nixon
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