Calendar: 1872-1873 Page 260
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 259 Of an Examination for Matriculation or such other Examination in Arts as shall in either case from time to time be sanctioned by the Council of this College at University in the United Kingdom at recognised University in the Colonies or at recognised foreign University Of having passed the Preliminary Examination for the Fellowship of this College Of having passed the Preliminary Examinations of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in Ireland and of Edinburgh or of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Of having passed the Examination in Arts of the Society of Apothe- caries of London or of the Apothecaries' Hall of Ireland Of having passed the First-Class Examination of the Royal College of Preceptors Testamur of the Codrington College Barbados Degree of Associate of Arts granted by the Tasmanian Council of Education with Certificate that the Student has been examined in Latin and Mathematics Of having passed the Voluntary Examination of Christ's College Canterbury New Zealand The Certificate to include all the subjects required from time to time in the Preliminary Examination of the College 10 Candidates who shall not be able to produce one or other of the fo going Certificates will be required to pass an Examination in English Classics and Mathematics conducted by the Board of Examiners of the Royal College of Preceptors under the direction and supervision of this College Professional Education Professional Studies are not recognised prior to the date at which the Candidate shall have passed an Examination in General Knowledge in con- formity with the regulation in the preceding Section II The following will he considered as the commencement of Professional Education Attendance on the Practice of Hospital or other Public Institution recognised by this College lor that purpose Instruction as the Pupil of It gaily qualified Surgeon holding thie appointment of Surgeon to Hospital General Dispensary or Union Workhouse or where such opportunities of practical instruction are afforded as shall be satisfactory to the Council Attendance on Lectures on Anatomy Physiology or Chemistry by Lecturers recognised by this College The commencement of professional study otherwise than by attendance on Lectures in recognised Medical Schools or by attendance on the Practice of recognised Hospitals will not be admitted until Certificate thereof shall be furnished to the Secretary for registration at the College by the Practitioner whose
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