Calendar: 1872-1873 Page 252
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 251 XXIX Kegulati'ons ants urquirnnents of lamining Softies Evert effort is made to obtain the latest regulations but Students intending to offer themselves for examination before any of the Examining Bodies are recommended to make direct application to the Secretaries of those Bodies for any information which they may reqtiire Regulations of the University of London respecting Degiiees Students of King's College London are admitted to Examin- ation for Degrees in Arts Science Law and Medicine and for the honours exhibitions and scholarships conferred by the Senate of the University of London Candidates for Degrees must register their names and pay the required fees to the Registrar All required Certificates must he transmitted to the Registrar at least fourteen days before the Examinations begin Matriculation The Matriculation Examination takes place twice year commencing on the second Monday in January and the last Monday in June respectively Fee Ā£2 No Candidates are admitted unless they have produced Certificates of having completed their sixteenth year The subjectB for Examination are Mathema- tics Natural Philosophy Chemistry Classics the English Language the Outlines of English History and Modern Geography and the French or the German language No one will be approved by the Examiners unless he show competent knowledge of these subjects Candidates presenting Certificate of having passed this examination will be exempted from passing both the Preliminary Arts Examination for the Fellow- ship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and the Preliminary Arts Examination of the College of Surgeons and at the Apothecaries' Hall London Bachelor of Medicine Candidates for this Degree are required- To have passed the Matriculation Examination of this University or to have taken Degree in Arts In either of the Universities of Sydney Melbourne or Calcutta provided in the last case that Latin has been one of the subjects in which he has passed
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