Calendar: 1872-1873 Page 250
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Page content
medical department 249 25Brayn Richard 13Footner John Bulkley Brennand Frederick James Foresythe William Briggs Geo Chapman 112'9Fowler James 134 Briggs Harry Beecham Gibbings Ashley 2Bubb Benjamin Buckley Herbert Budd Wm Alexander Carline William Arthur Cartwright Alexander Cassan Theodore Collier George Walker Collier NicholasConstan tine Collins Henry Beale Colthurst John Buller Cooke Edward Marriott Cooke William Conway Coles James Oakley Craig Andrew Melrose Cross Francis Richardson Cross HoraceEdw Firmen Cross Horatio Robert 1Crowther Wm Harding Dalgleish Arthur Chisholm Dalton Arthur Edward 113 Davies John Davies Thomas DeLautour Harry Arch 9Druitt Lionel Duncan Andrew Dyer Henry Geary Eardley-Wilmot Robert Evans Edward Williams Evans Evan William Evans Thomas Fay Varley George Fay Francis Marcus Fenton George Frederic Field Charles Hampden Grayling John Francis Griffin Arthur Edward Griffiths Cecil Niel 1348 Grimwood Harry Chas "Ground Edward Hancock John Gatchell Harding Arthur Harris Arthur Byam Harris Clement William Hartridge Gustavus Harvey Frederick George Hatch William Keith Hawes Henry Hawken Frederick John Hawthorne Arthur Hayes Francis George Hebb Richard Grainger Hemming William Douglas Homan George William Hughes Hugh Hunter Hulm Wynne Patrick '7Hutchings Arthur Carey Hutchinson Walter Irving William Irwin De Vere Alexr James Henry James Joseph Brindley 113Jameson Richard Willis Jarrett Michael Lewis 13469j0hns0n george Johnson Walter Johnson William Murray Joynes Francis James Kellie Robert
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