Calendar: 1872-1873 Page 240
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 239 1868 Rat Joseph Numa 1870 Duncan Andrew Hartridge Gustavus 1871 Soutter Mansfield Colier Batterbury George Henry 1872 Moore George Edward XX PRIZEMEN ON THE WARNEFORD FOUNDATION For the Names of those elected previously to 1SG6 see the Calendar for 1865-6 1866 Dabbs George Henry Roque Richards William Alsept Herbert Samuel Lymas 1867 Baxter Evan Buchanan Milles George Ridley 1868 Hoar Charles Edward Beach Fletcher 1869 Cotterill Alfred 1870 Rat Joseph Numa Philpot Joseph Henry 1871 Philpot Joseph Henry Duncan Andrew 1872 Batterbury George Henry Gibbings Ashley XXI PRIZEMEN ON THE TODD FOUNDATION 1863 Kempthorne Henry Law 1864 Powles Revett Coleridge 1865 Kelly Charles 1866 Dabbs George Henry Roque 1867 Fiddian Alexander Paull 1868 Pedler George Henry
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