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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-591

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INDEX 591 page Scholarships Regulations for- Worsley Inglis 108 362 Warneford 207 Daniell 213 Medical Department 215 Forest 363 Mathematical School 364 School King's College- Masters' Names 840 Division of Classics 341 Div of Modern Instruction 344 Lower School 347 Natural Science 349 Chemistry 319 Math and Arith Course 350 Workshop 352 Gymnasium 352 University of London 352 Extra Instruction 353 Rules as to Admission 354 Hours of Attendance 355 Dining Hall &c 355 Vacations Examinations 356 Fees 356 Use of Books 357 Residence of Pupils 358 Regulationsas toentering Coll 360 Asuoiiateship 361 Scholarships 362 Prizes 365 Choral Exhibitioners 375 Literary Union 376 Rite of Confirmation 376 Scholars Names of 377 Prizemen 378 Names of Pupils 3U1 Schools in Union- Regulationsand Privileges 462 Prizemen 463 Shares former Holders of 432 Vrestmt Holders of 437 Shorthand- Lectures 302 Fees 302 Hours of Attendance 305 Societv of Apothecaries- Rulesof 262 Spanish Evening Class- Lectures 279 Fees 302 Hours of Attendance 305 Special Donation Fund 63 Stephen Prize- Endowment 60 Subject for Prize 112 page Students' Boxes for Gowns 8rc 405 Studentships Theol Dep 85 Surgeons College of 254 Surgery- Lectures 182 Fees 199 Hours of Attendance 201 Tamil and Telugu- Lectures 114 Fees Hours of Attendance 117 Theological Department- Professors' Names 71 Instruction given 71 Rules of Admission 72 Rules as to Graduates 73 Examinations Certificates 73 Books recommended 77 Terms and Fees 82 Time Table 84 Studentships 85 Assoriateship 85 Hoods 86 Greek Testament Prize 86 Hebrew and Old Test Prize 87 Leitner Prize 87 Candidates tor Admission 88 Names of those who passed last year 88 Names of Students 89 Names 01'Caud for Admission 90 Todd Clinical Prize- Endowment 220 Names 01 Prizemen 235 Tooke Professorship- Endowment 60 Regulations 107 Treasurer of the College 19 Trench Greek Testament Prize- Endowment 60 Rules as to Examination 86 Names of Prizemen 66 University of London- Medical Department 247 The School 352 University Distinctions- Oxford 414 Cambridge 415 London 416 Vocal Music- Fees 83 Hours of Attendance 84
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