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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-568

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568 THE SCHOOL Water contains one measure of oxygen and two measures of hydrogen When these gases are mixed in that proportion the mixture has none of the qualities of water Explain the difference between the two cases Arrange in the order of their purity the waters derived from the following natural sources springs lakes seas wells rain melted ice rivers and state by what process they can all be made to furnish pure water With what class of elementary substances is hydrogen usually found to exchange places in chemical operations Give some examples Contract the chemical composition and the properties of carbonic acid gas with those of carbonic oxide From what source is iodine obtained Describe and ex- plain the process by which it is extracted Write tbe chemical formula for nitre chalk sal-ammoniac Epsom salts copperas alum and borax viii Ik cijool FOREST SCHOLARSHIP utsltionS on ttyt Ittturtji Give short account of the service books which were super- seded by the book of Common Prayer Mention any portions of our present Prayer Book which were introduced subsequently 10 the reign of Edward VI What were the alterations urged in the Savoy Conference Under what circumstances did this Conference take place Give the meaning and derivation of the words liturgy litany chancel epiphany compline porteus In what sense are the following used in the Prayer Book curate worship incom- prehensibh ordinary Give the Latin of tbe following The noble army of Martyrs praise thee
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