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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-567

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medical department 567 Describe the attachments of the constrictor muscles of the pharynx and the way in which they grasp and transmit onwards the food Enumerate the parts of which the alimentary canal con- sists commencing with the oesophagus Mention their length general situation and course Describe the upper and lower radio-ulnar joints the move- ments of each and how they are limited Describe the attachments of the diaphragm its uses and the mode in which it acts What kind of gland is the pancreas Where is it situated and where does its duct terminate In what respect does its secretion differ from that of the salivary glands 19I11 StotogD Describe the sounds produced by healthy human heart and mention their causes What are the losses and gains of the blood in the lungs skin kidneys liver and spleen What is the chemical composition of saliva and what are the functions discharged by this fluid What agents irritate muscle and nerve What are the functions of centripetal and centrifugal nerve fibres and what are the nervous arrangements concerned in reflex actions How is the eye adjusted for the perception of near and of distant objects Aid the descriptions by drawings when necessary Cljtmt's'trj Air contains one measure of oxygen and four measures of nitrogen When these gase3 are mixed together in that proportion the mixture has all the essential qualities of air
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