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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-564

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564 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT used to suspend the body during life and what if applied after death Mention the other signs of hanging during life Give the symptoms post-mortem appearances and proper treatment of case of poisoning by nitric acid Describe the effect of the heat of spirit-lamp on arsenious acid corrosive sublimate tartar emetic oxalic acid cantharidine and strychnia State the subliming temperature of such of these as are dissipated by heat Describe the fruit and seeds of belladonna stramonium and nux vomica fi Enumerate the principal poisonous alkaloids state their composition and forms and describe the tests by which the solid and colourless alkaloids may be distinguished from other white powders and crystals SECOND YEAR'S SCHOLARSHIP flftataUf Mention the anatomical reason why the compact tissue of bone is more liable to necrosis than the cancellated structure why are the extremities 01' long bone so much more porous than the shafts on the surfaces What advantages are derived from the extremities of along bone being expanded and their interior cancellated Give the anatomical reasons why the epiphyses of long bone adjacent to joint chronically inflamed unites prema- turely how does this influence the length of the bone situated State the differences between an adult male and female pelvis in form dimensions and obliquity What limits in the hip joint the movements of extension abduction and rotation outwards combined with 3emi- flexion What veins are situated in the chest and where do they empty themselves The relative situations of the three long deep muscles and their tendons at the back of the leg and in the sole of the foot their origins insertions and uses
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