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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-563

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medical department 563 Describe the course and composition of an acute abscess stating the pathological conditions of which it is usually the result Give its ordinary symptoms and physical signs including temperature and state how they may become modified by its position and relations and how the treatment would also be influenced by these What methods of treatment have you seen carried out in such cases Describe the case of punctured fracture of the parietal bone in Emma Cassel who was in tbe small female surgical ward from Nov 14th to Feb Oth Give your own observations upon the symptoms observed during this time and contrast them with those which usually msike their appearance in such cases What was tbe line of treatment adopted and the reasons given for doing so and how did the termination of the case bear upon the practice What is the usual pathological process of disorganizing disease of the carpal joints and the ultimate conditions consti- tuiional and local which call for operative interference De- scribe the operation which you have seen performed during the last winter session for such cases and state its advantages as against amputation and the older methods of excision What is the proper treatment after the operation necessary to obtain these advantages most fully If you have seen any of these cases since they left the hospital ward state what you consider to be their condition at that tifn Describe the surgical anatomy of inguinal hernia and its several varieties State the points at which strangulation may occur in the onler of their frequency and mention the parts that are usually divided or exposed in the operation for its relief Describe the preparations placed on the table and labelled to jForctiStc fHeDtctnr Describe the symptoms bodily and mental of softening of the brain What are the appearances in the neck caused by rope ν ν
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