Calendar: 1871-1872 Page 562
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562 medical department VII iltteiiical Department SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP fHrtliriiu What is dropsy Describe and explain its chief forms Give the symptoms the pathology and the treatment of epilepsv Describe the anatomic- characters of at emphysematous lung Give the physical signs of the disease its causes and its consequences Describe the treatment of acute bronchitis in its various stages Mention briefly the chief forms of Briglit's disease acute and chronic and describe minutely the anatomical characters of the small red granular kidney Mention the chief points of difference between measles and searlet fever Describe and explain the chief symptoms of cholera collapse Illustrate your answers by cases which have occurred in the Hospital during the past Winter Session Give detailed description of case of popliteal aneurism in the following order -Its usual history and causes the class of persons usually affected its symptoms appearance and other physical signs the pathology of its formation and contents and its course and usual termination if left to itself Then describe the methods at present in use of treating the disease generally and locally and state your reasons for pursuing the line of treatment you would adopt Give finally the course and anastomoses of the vessels which establish the collateral circulation after obstruction of the main artery
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