Calendar: 1871-1872 Page 532
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532 APPLIED SCIENCES Why is the duty of almsgiving so specially enforced in these Epistles What does St Paul declare to be its three great objects How far were these permanent What evidence is there of sudden break in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians and by what may we suppose it to have been caused What light do the latter pArt of this Epistle and the Epistle to the Galatians throw on St Paul's personal life and history and especially on "the thorn in the flesh Compare and contrast the Epistle to the Galatians and Epistle to the Romans Why do both lay such emphatic stress on "Justification by Faith Give brief account of the teaching of the latter Epistle on- The contrast of the flesh and the spirit The question of Predestination and Freewill The practical duties of Christian Describe the state of the Christian Church at the close of St Paul's third missionary circuit as it may be gathered from these Epistles FIRST YEAR SiclS of tijr SpoStlei What is known with respect to the Authorship of the Acts of the Apostles Mention the parts of the book where the first person is used and examine some of the hypotheses which have assigned these parts to writers other than St Luke From what sources was the earlier part of the history pro- bably derived Name some considerations which help to deter- mine approximately the date of the composition of the book How may the subject of the book be briefly described Mention with probable dates some events which form the turning-points of the history and name the several periods into which the narrative is thus divided
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