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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-53

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52 ANNUAL REPORT with suitable assistants and they have appointed to the vacant chair Professor Bloxam who has since the year 1854 so efficiently discharged the duties of Professor of Practical Chemistry The Council have also appointed Mr Walter Noel Hartley Lecturer at St Bartholomew's Hospital as assistant to Dr Odling to the post of Demonstrator of Chemistry and Mr Thomson to that of Assistant Demonstrator On the promotion of Mr John Wood from the office of Demonstrator of Anatomy to the chair of Surgery the Council at the suggestion of the Professor of Anatomy decided to have two Demonstrators of Anatomy and Mr John Curnow and Mr John Perrin both former distin- guished students of the College were appointed to the vacant posts The promotion of Mr Wood also to the office of Surgeon to King's College Hospital rendered the post of Assistant Surgeon vacant which the Council filled up by appointing Mr Royes Bell former Student at the College and one who had effectively discharged the duties of Assistant De- monstrator of Anatomy The Council have great pleasure in announcing that the New Wing of the Hospital is nearly finished and anticipate great advantages to the working of the Hospital from this completion of its plan Ī£ -The work of The Evening Classes Department in this year calls for no special remark The Council observe with regret that there is diminution in the number of Occasional students but they believe that this is due not to any falling off in the teaching given or the work done but simply to the growth of kindred institutions elsewhere -In regard to The School the Council report with pleasure very considerable advance in numbers The total number of boys in the School at the present time is 445 larger number than has appeared on the books of the School for the last fifteen years The Council cannot doubt that this
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