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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-516

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516 general literature and science pronoun en when they are the "object" of the verb and the noun to which they refer is not expressed at the same time In what particular sense is the word autrui used to express another or others Give the adjective that corresponds to each of the following nouns -Ciel-terre-mer-an-trimestre mois- semaine-jour-siecle-moine-iglise-6veque-matin-nuit- tcte-os-muscle-nerf-sang-vie-ceil-oreille-nez-houche -poil-graisse-huile-fer-bitume-eau-pain-air-travail -secheresse-secret-calme-apathie-energie-sante-vol Distinguish between C'est lui ά parler" and "c'est lui de parler and also between II impose" and II en impose What is the exact purpose of the pronoun vous in the following quotation Maint estafier accourt on nous happe notre bomme On vous l'echiue on vous l'assomme La Fontaine Λ Explain and correct the mistake in the following con- struction of the pronoun -II n'entendra pas raison il n'a jamais voulu 'entendre Si vous voulez qu'on vous rende justice rendez-fo aux autres What is the difference of meaning implied by the difference of spelling in these two expressions Le peu de bonte qu'il m'a montre Le peu de bont6 qu'il m'a montrie Complete the sentence in each case Show with examples how the letter Ν in modern French words comes from primitive Μ in Latin initial medial final And also how the double consonant Β comes from the Latin tr and dr Give also instances of Υ proceeding rom primitive Engltsi £ssav The effects of the Reformation upon English Literature illus- trated by reference to examples
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