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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-515

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 515 tfvtntf Translate into French The service therefore rendered by Voltaire in purging history of these foolish conceits is not that he was the first by whom they were attacked but that he was the first to attack them with success and this because he was also the first who mingled ridicule with argument thus not only assailing the system but also weakening the authority of those by whom the system was supported His irony his wit his pungent and telling sarcasms produced more effect than the gravest arguments could have done and there can be no doubt that he was fully justified in using those great resources with which nature had endowed him since by their aid he advanced the interest of truth and relieved men from some of their inveterate prejudices It is not however to be supposed that ridicule was the only means employed by Voltaire in effecting this important object So far from that can say with confidence after careful com- parison of both writers that the most decisive arguments advanced by Niebuhr against the early history of Rome had all been anticipated by Voltaire in whose works they may be found by whoever will take the trouble of reading what this great man has written instead of ignorantly railing against him Η Buckle Answer any seven of the following questions as much as possible in French How do you convey in French the emphasis or contradis- tinction in each of the following sentences He may think so but do not You will injure yourself not Aim Your ways are not my ways la guerre comme la guerre as we Frenchmen say Being given these two sentences -They made him drink they made him drink some wine the pronoun him will be rendered by different case in each sentence Explain this peculiar rule and name the other verb besides faire to which it applies Which are the words that are always accompanied by the ε κ
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