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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1871-1872-499

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general literature and science 499 Life is sea where storms most rise Tis folly talks of cloudless skies He who contracts his swelling sail Eludes the fury of the gale God is alike both good and wise In what He grants and what denies Perhaps what Goodness gives to-day To-morrow Goodness takes away Of Heav'n ask virtue wisdom health But never let thy pray'r be wealth If food be thine though little gold And raiment to repel the cold If soft the motions of thy soul And calm conscience crowns the whole Add but friend to all this store You can't in reason wish for more And if kind Heav'n this comfort brings 'Tis more than Heav'n bestows on kings II -Crrcnct Snbrta fliiU Pljormto Translate By Herus me relictis rebus jussit Pamphilum Hodie observare ut quid ageret de nuptiis Scirem Propterea nunc hunc venientem seqiwr Ipsum adeo pnesto video cum Davo hoc agam Si Utrumque adesse vidpo Da Hem serva Si Pamphile Da Quasi de improvise respice ad eum Pa Ehem pater Da Probe Si Hodie uxorem ducas ut dixi volo By Nunc nostra timeo parti quid hie respondeat Pa Neque istic neque alibi tibi erit usquam in me mora By Hem Da Obmutuit By Quid dixit Si Facis ut te decet Quum istuc quod postulo impetro cum gratia By Sum verus Hern quantum audio uxore excidit
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